Print or write name on cardstock. Multiple names can be added to a single cardstock sheet. One 8.5 x 11-inch sheet accommodates 8-10 name cards, depending on size.
Cut out name tag with scissors in desired shape.
Hole punch the card at the top or a selected corner.
Pierce a needle through the cranberry (length-wise) to create an opening for the rosemary sprimg.
Strip lower leaves of the rosemary to expose the woody stem and insert through the cranberry opening.
Cut approximately 14 inches of twine (dependent on size of napkin and folding method) and wrap the twine around the napkin and through the hole punched tag. Tie a knot or bow.
Place the rosemary sprig and cranberry underneath the tag and twine, on top of the napkin.
Place the finished decoration onto a place setting.